A festive gathering of music loving folk in the heart of Shoreditch, just in time for Christmas!
We have a great line up some of the UK’s finest house music Dj’s and LIVE artists, so come along and join the party! Treats in store are as follows…
** LIVE PA’s **
(Performing Rise up & In the Wrong)
The London House Cats Choir featuring special guest Alana
** DJ’s**
Minnie Dipple
Matt LS
Kitty Amor
Josh Grooves
Spend your Winter evening sipping Mulled Wine, whilst enjoying the Live acts and then have a good old hearty dance before going home!
Concessions/Adv tickets £7 OTD £10
To be added to the £7 concession list simply send us an email at xmasparty@slave2thevibe.com with your name to match your ID.
For further information check out www.makin-moves.co.uk orwww.Slave2thevibe.com events pages.